It's the Little Things

 It's the Little Things

A sly smile shared by lovers lost in their world,
Unaware of the beauty in love's gentle twirl.

A simple text, a note, a card just to say "hi,"
Checking in on loved ones as time races by.

A son meets his mother when she steps off the bus,
Walking her home, a gesture of love and trust.

Bringing home a favorite treat, just because,
Or sharing a playlist to lift spirits with a buzz.

Breakfast in bed for the one who forgets to eat,
Lightening their load with quiet acts, discreet.

Listening in silence, offering just a hug,
When the day’s been hard, and emotions tug.

Celebrating small victories with joy and pride,
Holding hands, strolling life’s path, side by side.

A child’s embrace at the door, pure and true,
A moment of connection that renews you.

An evening tech-free, filled with games and talk,
Reinforcing bonds on a simple walk.

Surprise dates to places longed to explore,
Weekend escapes to ease life’s heavy chore.

Midday texts and lunchtime calls,
Love notes hidden on mirrors and walls.

Capturing memories in albums dear,
Celebrating milestones, year after year.

It’s in the little things, so simple, so small,
That love, care, and support are felt by all.

When you listened to my worries, my endless gripes,
About all the things that just weren’t right,

You offered a space for my voice to be heard,
Embracing each choice, with not a single word.


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