
I believe (revisited)

I Believe I believe in growing through the struggles we face, learning to love deeper after every hard day. I believe in facing each challenge as it comes, knowing that we can overcome, together. I believe in having a partner, but not needing them to find joy. I believe in surrounding myself with healthy love, and when it's toxic, in walking away. I believe in making my voice heard, even when it shakes, standing tall against the noise of doubt. I believe in confidence— that it must come from within. Not from society, not from my mate. I build my own foundation. I refuse to feed negativity, even when it creeps in. I believe in choosing peace, over and over again. I believe in working on myself, in watering the garden of my mind, letting my body rest like soil, so I can bloom again, whole. --- I believe in serving my community, in making small changes that ripple out, like feeding those who are hungry, or offering a stranger a kind word. I believe my past—my decisions, my missteps— a

Unseen self

  The Unseen Self Hidden below a chameleon's disguise, I blend into the background, unseen. A silent threat with unmet goals, Watching others conquer their dreams. Yet time unveils its own design, And soon, my moment will come to shine. But then a new hurdle as I come around the bin- Relationships, that slick opponent, A challenge I could never understand. Until your embrace, a comfort's font, Penetrates the walls around my heart, Allowing the unseen self to restart. Your love revealed as the final part. Unlocking a destiny, once foreign to me.

Blessed I'm

Beholding more grace than ever thought possible Loved in the quiet moments when other sought to embarrass Everlasting strength established within me through faith So many opportunities to praise your name So many gifts given and hope embraced Everything is because of you Devoted to doing your work I know, through everything and all that's happened to me, Many don't understand, because my walk doesn't look like theirs, but I'm blessed

coming home

 # Coming Home It took time, but I've come around All I can say is sorry now Lost in this world, feeling alone Had some work to do, sins to atone My spirit adrift without a home Making mistakes, moving alone I'm coming home, no longer to roam Surrounded by those unknown Going through life without a place Finding the love that I need Been gone much too long, I concede So home is waiting for me Passion once cruel, now divine I came back to you in my own time You altered my worldview, refined Growing in faith, mission aligned Knowing this is where I belong Something within me said it's time So I am coming home, no longer to pine My salvation awaits, no longer to roam He has forgiven all my mistakes I'm coming home, no longer alone I go to where he resides I've arrived, and my soul thrives The chills I feel bring me to life United through words, I feel his light Telling the old me "no more" Time to go on to the place made for me All I can say is thank you for

Someday one day

  Looking Forward Daring to open to love's embrace, As present fears still haunt my days. Hope, a seedling, slowly grows, Promising fear will fade away  When shattered pieces reunite, And scars transform to wisdom's light, My heart yearns for that inner strength— The power that burns forever bright. When love will illuminate brightly in my eyes

The Power in My Name

Hey you, what's your name? Does a name define us, or is it just a label? I used to respond to vague attempts, Unaware dismissive recollection breeds contempt. My name means stone, a hard, basic building material, Yet from French, it's a natural beauty, noteworthy in power. Each person unique, even those who share my name, My middle name means "give thanks to God," Gratitude in my father's native tongue. In all I do, I express thanks, Some might say my parents gave me a head start. My surname, "powerful and complete," Or "the crown befits its wearer." I didn't understand who I was, Until I broke down the definition. Now comprehending its significance, I can no longer accept anything less. It's Chauntelle Modupe Adeyeye—you've been warned. Anything else undercuts the power. No longer can I cower, demanding and exclaiming it proud. Say my name, exactly state my power. Now that I know, people will ask my parents, "With a name like

Letter from the Tired One

  Letter from the Tired One This is the letter from the tired one,   the woman with a smile that never reaches her eyes,   fed up with lies and slow-moving expectations. I give in—if love’s a transaction,   no one plays the game better than me.   I won’t take dollars for my time,   I still have my lines   but I won’t deny the gifts anymore.   Tired of fighting their version of me,   tired of being the nice one who finishes last. No more waiting.   I’m on the treadmill now,   on the weight bench, shaping my own reality.   Love was a weight I carried too long—   I'm dropping it,   trading it for the strength of my own. Everything’s fair game—because in the end,   only results matter. I bet I’ll get my ring when this is over,   though I doubt it will come from the one   who made promises so long ago.   That you would always be in my corner—   Too many fights happened with you nowhere to be found,   you were never there when I needed you.   So my faith has faltered,   now you’re out of

No One cares work harder

  In the quiet moments when obstacles mount, Nobody cares; work harder. When the world is silent, tasks countless,t Nobody cares; work harder. Starting anew, feeling lost and clueless, Nobody cares; work harder. Rough nights of study, focus slipping, Nobody cares; work harder. Despair creeps in, debts piling, Nobody cares; work harder. Others seem ahead, you're barely there, Nobody cares; work harder. Wrong path taken, feeling behind, Nobody cares; work harder. Race lost, but season ongoing, Nobody cares; work harder. Chase dreams fiercely, world seems cruel, Nobody cares; work harder. Pockets empty, bills towering, Nobody cares; work harder. Last test failed, studies renewed, Nobody cares; work harder. Nights short, days endless, Nobody cares; work harder. Plans askew, expectations shattered, Nobody cares; work harder. Through blood, sweat, and tears, push on, Nobody cares; work harder. For in the end, when you've conquered all, You'll care, because you worked harder.

Returning Home to Love

  Returning Home to Love Time and time again, I've made mistakes, Yet you were there, Any hour of the day— Your love is on display in countless ways. But I’m coming home, To where love waits to comfort, Where do you want me to stay? I think of you lying awake, Praying you’d come home, My heart held hostage, Your selfishness is shown. Yes, you began to return, But for how long this time? I’ve learned from my past, Not who I was yesterday— I have grown. We’ll see if you’re here to stay, My heart isn’t for childish games, No more begging you to come home, But you better stay. Come on home, Where you truly belong, No longer a revolving door, Please don’t play with my heart, But I want you to stay. So come home, Because this love awaits, Been gone for too long, This is where you should be. I guess I begged anyway, Because you’re worth the dramatic display.

It's the Little Things

  It's the Little Things A sly smile shared by lovers lost in their world, Unaware of the beauty in love's gentle twirl. A simple text, a note, a card just to say "hi," Checking in on loved ones as time races by. A son meets his mother when she steps off the bus, Walking her home, a gesture of love and trust. Bringing home a favorite treat, just because, Or sharing a playlist to lift spirits with a buzz. Breakfast in bed for the one who forgets to eat, Lightening their load with quiet acts, discreet. Listening in silence, offering just a hug, When the day’s been hard, and emotions tug. Celebrating small victories with joy and pride, Holding hands, strolling life’s path, side by side. A child’s embrace at the door, pure and true, A moment of connection that renews you. An evening tech-free, filled with games and talk, Reinforcing bonds on a simple walk. Surprise dates to places longed to explore, Weekend escapes to ease life’s heavy chore. Midday texts and lunchtime ca